Topic: Mobile menu links
the links on the mobile menu do not show up.
Also on a mobile view the text spills out from the white container.
Can you help. Thanks
Topic: New Mobile menu
Topic: Issues with header
I’m having some trouble with a couple of things in the header of my site using the Tower theme.
1. Is there any way to resize the logo in the header? I want it to be a certain size for desktop but then shrink to fit in responsive views. Currently on a mobile the logo is too large and being slightly chopped off on the left.
2. On a mobile view the little menu hamburger icon covers the logo. Is there a way for them to be clear of each other?
3. When I drag my page size down to an iPad view (landscape orientation) the menu items jump down into the slider or page header. Is there a way to fix or prevent this?
I can provide photos if necessary
Thanks :)