how can I get the email address in the header and in the right column on the contact page to be mailto: links so the email address is clickable? the fields on the admin pages do not seem to be able to read HTML.
I replaced the code as you suggesting in <span style=”color: #393d40; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>specular\includes\register\register_shortcodes.php but the email address in the left hand column is still not clickable. I have added mailto: code in [ ] I have done it without brackets and I have put the email address with out any additional code but it still does not make the email address on the contact page on the right side column clickable. The fields in the list on the right side of the contact page do not seem to read HTML. Even in the demo content the line breaks </br> show up on the front end. Can you please explain how those lists with the icons on the contact page are supposed to read HTML code? How do I add a line break? How do I make email address clickable?</span>
<span style=”color: #444444; font-family: Inconsolata, Consolas, Monaco, ‘Lucida Console’, monospace; font-size: 15px; background-color: #f9f9f9;”>$output .= ‘<dd><span class=”title”>’.__(‘Email Address’, ‘codeless’).'</span><p>‘.$email.’</p></dd>’;</span>
Final question – when viewing site on mobile there is about 100px of space above the home page slider. How do I remove that extra space so the revolution slider is right below the nav bar. This only happens on mobile.
Shaun -
Please send us your wp credentials in a private reply. We can do these for you.
Best regards!
Sorry for the late reply.
-The suggested topic is about shortcodes, you have set up the email address as a list element. Therefore is not possible to make it link.
-I added this code into the page’s custom css box:
.container.dark { margin-bottom: -88px;}
This reduced the distance between the text and form. Add this into your custom css box (and remove it from this page), if you want this for all pages.Best regards!
Thanks for your help. On the demo page https://codeless.co/specular/default/?page_id=1041 you are able to add a line break in the address. If you look at my contact page the line break shows up in the text. I have not changed anything. How do I get line breaks to work in lists? https://shaunwolfson.net/bestfriendscredit/contact-us/
<span style=”color: #393d40; font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;”>Final question – when viewing site on mobile there is about 100px of space above the home page slider. How do I remove that extra space so the revolution slider is right below the nav bar. This only happens on mobile. This is only happening on mobile.</span>
1-I edited file vc_template/list_items.php file. I replaced this line:
$output .= esc_html($title);
with this:
$output .= $title;
You can add any html tag in list item titles now. They will be all recognized.
2-I added this code into your custom css box:
@media (max-width: 480px){ .header_1.fullwidth_slider_page .top_wrapper { padding-top: 0 !important;} }
It’s ok now, please check your site.
Best regards!
PS: You have build a very nice website. We would like your permission to add it at our theme’s showcase.
Let us know.Best regards!
Thanks! No problem. Site still have more work but should be live by the end of the week. I will send link to final site when it is live. There will be a member login area under the members section and there will be some additional forms.
The adjustment you made to move the slider up on mobile only works in portrait display If you turn the phone to landscape the space between the nav bar and slider comes back. What else can we do?
Couple of other questions –
1) How can I change the color of the questions in the FAQs section? I want to make them #92B6BF.
2) In the search bar that drops down from the top I need to make the font for “search” the same as the font used on the site.
3) On the mobile site how can I move the logo to the left and have the menu button on the right?
4) And this is my final question – How can I change the color of the fonts on the mobile drop down. Currently the white text on mobile drop down is too hard to read.
Thanks again for all your help.
1-I added this code:
.accordion.style_1 .accordion-heading.in_head .accordion-toggle, .accordion.style_1 .accordion-heading .accordion-toggle { color: #92B6BF !important;}
2-I added this code:
input, button, select, textarea { font-family: "Work Sans" !important;}
3-I edited the responsible code in@media (max-width: 480px)
and@media (max-width: 767px)
4-I added this code:.menu-small ul.menu > li > a {color: #484747 !important;}
I also edited the landscape view of slider.Please keep in mind that most of your latest requests are customization’s not included in theme support. (read more here).
Let us know.Best regards!
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