My site is not mobile friendly – I get a lot of errors and warnings when testing my site: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/?url=startwebbutik.dk
I have updated the theme today, but that did not change anything.
What is the correct way to upgrade the theme anyway? There doesn’t seem to be a function to do this? At first I uploaded the zip-file and tried to install. I then got an error that a file was missing so the installation was aborted. I renamed the theme folder and uploaded it through FTP an activated the theme, but then my menu and some widgets were set up wrong. I have got it back to normal now, but would like to know how to do future updates? -
It seems that you haven’t enabled the responsive mode. Please check your settings at specular -> Layout.
Let us know if you still need help.Best regards!
Responsive layout is activated, so it is not that.
Also, you do not answer how to upgrade the theme when there are new versions?
To update theme, please unzip the folder downloaded from your Envato account. You will find Specular theme folder, documentation, licence files..etc. Get only theme folder and upload directly into your wp-content\themes folder, overwriting the existing Specular files. (We strongly recommend to keep a backup of previous files in case you have made changes). It’s done!
Can you give us your wp credentials in a private reply? So we can check the responsive issue.Best regards!
I can’t access your site. It says: This webpage is not available.
Best regards!
I activated the responsive mode and i set to ‘Yes’ the “Show Responsive Menu Dropdown” option in “Header Options”. I added also this code into your custom css box:
@media (max-width: 480px){ #logo { width: 89%; } #content { padding-top: 0 !important; padding-bottom: 0 !important; } #footer .inner .row-fluid.ff:first-child { padding-bottom: 0px; } }
This is the result: screenshot.
Best regards!
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