For a project, I chose the theme June for wordpress. But I need to change the cart icon. I want, in my child theme, take the directory June’s includes. But when I do it, I can’t overloading the icon.
And I need to do the same to change the popup Quick View.Can you help me please.
Thank you.
You can resolve that by adding this css into child theme style.css
.cl-icon-cart-outline:before{ ....
with this class you can edit the icon of the cart.To edit the quick view you have to overwrite the file june/js/codeless-main.js this is the code
$result.imagesLoaded(function(){ $.magnificPopup.open({ items: { src: '<div class="mfp-with-anim popup-quick-view single-product woocommerce">' + $result[0].outerHTML + "</div>", type: "inline" }, removalDelay: 300, preloader: true, tClose: '', callbacks: { beforeOpen: function() { $.magnificPopup.close(); this.st.mainClass = "mfp-move-horizontal" + " quick-view-wrapper"; }, open: function() { $(".popup-quick-view .variations_form").each(function() { $(this).wc_variation_form().find(".variations select:eq(0)").change() }); $(".popup-quick-view .variations_form").trigger("wc_variation_form"); $( '.popup-quick-view .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper' ).addClass('cl-carousel owl-theme owl-carousel'); setTimeout(function(){ CL_FRONT.components.Carousel( $( '.popup-quick-view .woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper' ), { items: 1, nav: true }, function(){ CL_FRONT.nanoScroller(); } ); }, 1); CL_FRONT.shopDropDown(); CL_FRONT.shopFixes(); CL_FRONT.xBrowserFixes(); if( $('.popup-quick-view').find('.product-type-grouped').length > 0 ) CL_FRONT.quickView(); CL_FRONT.ajaxProductAdd(); $('.popup-quick-view .variation-selector select').on('change', function(){ $(this).closest('.popup-quick-view').find('.woocommerce-product-gallery__wrapper').trigger('to.owl.carousel', 0) }); if( $.fn.tawcvs_variation_swatches_form ) $( '.popup-quick-view .variations_form' ).tawcvs_variation_swatches_form(); $button.removeClass("loading"); }
Normally the child theme have to work.
Let us know.
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