My site is completely down. I contacted my host and they have said there is an issue with the theme files.
Could you please investigate? Here is the error message. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EbwEG80ggMoTqEnjzyAxcq_DQcGZm_uL/view?usp=sharing
Please add some ftp credentials in a private reply. So we can check this close.
Best regards!
Please go to your wp-content/plugins folder in the wordpress root folder. You can access it via a ftp account or your cpanel account. In the wp-content/plugins find and rename the Codeless Builder and Kirki plugins.
This will make the WordPress dashboard accessive. Or add some ftp credentials too, so we can do it for you.To avoid the html tags, check this article: https://support.codeless.co/?ht_kb=preventing-the-html-tag-in-topics-content
Best regards!
It’s done!
See screenshot: https://ibb.co/Stj63JVThese steps were taken:
1-In Cpanel > File manager > went to wp-content/plugins folder and renamed the Codeless Builder and Kirki plugins. This automatically deactivates the plugins.
2-Went back to WordPress dashboard, then Plugins and deleted the currently deactivated Codeless Builder and Kirki plugins.
Refreshed page and in the dashboard the message asking to install these two plugins appears. install them following the onscreen instructions.Please clear the cache and refresh the site to see the current state. If you get any error message, do not worry, it’s just the cache not updated.
Let us know.
Best regards! -
You’re welcome :)
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Thank You so much!
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