I have been trying to add some Tag manager code in the header.php file, but using the parent Specular header.php in the child theme breaks the layout.
Usually using the the original header.php file in the child theme doesn’t cause any problems (in other themes), and I can make some changes without any issue.
However, even without any changes to the header file, the layout breaks once it is placed in the child theme.
I used the Tracking code box in the General options of Specular for one code block, but as many others here have mentioned, that tracking code box does not work. The Analytics code entered does not appear in the source code of the page.
Using a child header file seemed like the best option, but as mentioned above that only breaks the site layout.
Currently, I have found putting the Analytics code in the footer file is working and using the footer.php file in the child theme does not break the site. But really, the additional code I need to enter needs to be placed near the Head tag.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I found out the issue. Sorry we will update on next update. Replace header.php on child theme with:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html <?php language_attributes(); ?> class="css3transitions"> <head> <meta charset="<?php esc_attr(bloginfo( 'charset' )); ?>" /> <!-- Responsive Meta --> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('responsive_bool')): ?> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> <?php endif; ?> <!-- Pingback URL --> <link rel="pingback" href="<?php esc_url(bloginfo( 'pingback_url' )); ?>" /> <!-- Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML5 elements --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="https://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script> <![endif]--> <?php //Generated css from options include( get_template_directory() . '/includes/register/register_styles.php'); // Loaded all others styles and scripts. // If Codeless Framework plugin active, add tracking codes and analytics codes (plugin territory) if( function_exists( 'codeless_show_extra_coding_functions' ) ) codeless_show_extra_coding_functions(); // Loaded all others styles and scripts. wp_head(); ?> </head> <!-- End of Header --> <body <?php body_class(); ?>> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('show_search')): ?> <div class="search_bar"><div class="container"><?php get_search_form() ?></div></div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('extra_navigation')): ?> <div class="extra_navigation <?php echo esc_attr(codeless_get_mod('extra_navigation_position')) ?>"> <a href="#" class="close"></a> <div class="content"><?php dynamic_sidebar( "Extra Side Navigation" ); ?></div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="viewport"> <!-- Used for boxed layout --> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('site_layout') == 'boxed'): ?> <!-- Boxed Layout Wrapper --> <div class="boxed_layout"> <?php endif; ?> <!-- Start Top Navigation --> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('top_navigation')): ?> <div class="top_nav <?php echo esc_attr( ( codeless_get_mod('top_navigation_mobile') ) ? 'top_nav_mobile' : '' ); ?>"> <?php $topnav_left_colsize = '6'; $topnav_right_colsize = '6'; if( codeless_get_mod('topnav_layout') == '3-9' ){ $topnav_left_colsize = '3'; $topnav_right_colsize = '9'; } if( codeless_get_mod('topnav_layout') == '9-3' ){ $topnav_left_colsize = '9'; $topnav_right_colsize = '3'; } ?> <div class="container"> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span<?php echo esc_attr( $topnav_left_colsize ) ?>"> <div class="pull-left"> <?php dynamic_sidebar( "Top Header Left" ); ?> </div> </div> <div class="span<?php echo esc_attr( $topnav_right_colsize ) ?>"> <div class="pull-right"> <?php dynamic_sidebar( "Top Header Right" ); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- End of Top Navigation --> <?php $header_class = codeless_get_mod('header_style');?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('header_style') == 'header_1' || codeless_get_mod('header_style') == 'header_4' || codeless_get_mod('header_style') == 'header_5' || codeless_get_mod('header_style') == 'header_9' || codeless_get_mod('header_style') == 'header_11'){ if( is_archive() ) $page_header_menu_color = codeless_get_mod( 'archives_header_color' ); if((int) codeless_get_post_id() != 0){ $page_header_menu_color = redux_post_meta('cl_redata',(int) codeless_get_post_id(), 'page_header_menu_color'); } if(isset($page_header_menu_color) && !empty($page_header_menu_color)) $bgCheck = ($page_header_menu_color =='auto') ? '' : 'background--'.$page_header_menu_color; else $bgCheck = 'background--light'; } ?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('header_6_transparent') && $header_class == 'header_6'): ?> <!-- Header 6 Wrapper --> <div class="header_6_wrapper"> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('header_transparency')) $transparent='transparent'; else $transparent=''; ?> <!-- Header BEGIN --> <div class="header_wrapper <?php echo esc_attr($transparent);?> <?php echo esc_attr($header_class) ?> <?php echo esc_attr($bgCheck) ?> <?php if($header_class == 'header_7') echo 'pos--'.esc_attr(codeless_get_mod('header_7_position')) ?>"> <header id="header" class=" <?php echo esc_attr($transparent);?>"> <?php if(!codeless_get_mod('header_container_full')): ?> <div class="container"> <?php endif; ?> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span12"> <?php if($header_class == 'header_11'): ?> <div class="centered_header"> <nav class="left"> <?php $args = array("theme_location" => "left", "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu'); wp_nav_menu($args); ?> </nav> <?php endif; ?> <!-- Logo --> <?php if(!isset($css_class)) $css_class=''; ?> <div id="logo" class="<?php echo esc_attr($css_class) ?>"> <?php echo codeless_logo() ?> </div> <!-- #logo END --> <?php if($header_class == 'header_11'): ?> <nav class="right"> <?php $args = array("theme_location" => "right", "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu'); wp_nav_menu($args); ?> </nav> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($header_class == 'header_5' || codeless_get_mod('show_search') || class_exists('Woocommerce') || codeless_get_mod('extra_navigation')): ?> <!-- Tools --> <div class="header_tools"> <div class="vert_mid"> <?php if($header_class == 'header_5'): ?> <a class="open_full_menu" id="trigger-overlay" href="#"> <i class="icon-bars"></i> </a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('show_search')): ?> <a class="right_search open_search_button" href="#"> <i class="icon-search"></i> </a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(class_exists('Woocommerce')): ?> <?php get_template_part('includes/view/woocommerce', 'cart'); ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('extra_navigation')): ?> <a class="extra_navigation_button" href="#"> <i class="icon-bars"></i> </a> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> <!-- End Tools--> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('show_button')): ?> <!-- Header Button --> <a href="<?php echo esc_attr(codeless_get_mod('header_button_link')) ?>" class="btn-bt <?php echo esc_attr(codeless_get_mod('overall_button_style', 0) ) ?> header_button header_button_<?php echo esc_attr(codeless_get_mod('header_button_color')) ?>"><?php echo esc_html(codeless_get_mod('header_button')) ?></a> <!-- End Header Button --> <?php endif; ?> <!-- Navigation --> <?php if($header_class == 'header_5'): ?> <div class="header_5_fullwrapper overlay_menu overlay-hugeinc"> <button type="button" class="overlay-close">Close</button> <nav> <?php $args = array("theme_location" => "main", "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu'); if( codeless_get_mod('custom_menu_for_page') ) $args = array('menu' => (int) codeless_get_mod('custom_menu_for_page'), "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu'); wp_nav_menu($args); ?> </nav> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($header_class == 'header_1' || $header_class == 'header_2' || $header_class == 'header_3' || $header_class == 'header_4' || $header_class == 'header_7' || $header_class == 'header_8' || $header_class == 'header_9'): ?> <?php if($header_class == 'header_7') $css_class .= ' pos_'.esc_attr( codeless_get_mod('header_7_position') ).' ' ?> <div id="navigation" class="nav_top pull-right <?php echo esc_attr($css_class) ?>"> <nav> <?php $args = array("theme_location" => "main", "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu'); if( codeless_get_mod('custom_menu_for_page') ) $args = array('menu' => (int) codeless_get_mod('custom_menu_for_page'), "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu'); wp_nav_menu($args); ?> </nav> </div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- #navigation --> <!-- End custom menu here --> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('responsive_menu_dropdown')): ?> <a href="#" class="mobile_small_menu open"></a> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($header_class == 'header_6' || $header_class == 'header_7' || $header_class == 'header_12'): ?> <div class="header_widgetized"> <?php dynamic_sidebar('Header Widgetized Area'); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> <?php if($header_class == 'header_3'): ?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('responsive_menu_dropdown')): ?> <!-- Responsive Menu --> <div class="row-fluid"> <?php get_template_part('includes/view/menu', 'small'); ?> </div> <!-- End Responsive Menu --> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(!codeless_get_mod('header_container_full')): ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if($header_class != 'header_3'): ?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('responsive_menu_dropdown')): ?> <!-- Responsive Menu --> <div class="row-fluid"> <?php get_template_part('includes/view/menu', 'small'); ?> </div> <!-- End Responsive Menu --> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> </header> </div> <?php if($header_class == 'header_6' || $header_class == 'header_10' || $header_class == 'header_12'): ?> <div class="full_nav_menu"> <div class="container"> <div id="navigation" class="nav_top pull-right <?php echo esc_attr($css_class) ?>"> <nav> <?php $args = array("theme_location" => "main", "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu'); if( codeless_get_mod('custom_menu_for_page') ) $args = array('menu' => (int) codeless_get_mod('custom_menu_for_page'), "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu'); wp_nav_menu($args); ?> </nav> </div> <?php if($header_class == 'header_12'): ?> <div class="after_navigation_widgetized"> <?php dynamic_sidebar(__('After Navigation Area','specular')); ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if(codeless_get_mod('header_6_transparent') && $header_class == 'header_6'): ?> </div> <!-- Close Header 6 Wrapper --> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( (int) codeless_get_post_id() != 0 && redux_post_meta('cl_redata',(int) codeless_get_post_id(), 'post_style') != 'fullscreen' ): ?> <div class="top_wrapper"> <?php endif; ?> <?php get_template_part('includes/view/sliders_output'); ?> <!-- .header -->
Let me know if this works
Thanks -
Yes, that did the trick.
Works as expected now.
Thank you for your help,
You’re welcome :)
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Thank You so much
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