How is it possible to make my custom menu, which I assigned to particular pages act as the mobile menu which can be accessed through the mobile hamburger menu?
Basically the custom menu replicates the main menu but uses some different links due to anchor usage.
The custom menu works fine when in standard view but with smaller sizes the mobile menu appears which replaces the main menu but features the wrong links.
Maybe this can be solved differently.
The main menu is mostly linking to anchors on the home page. But some menu items are directing to subpages and of course then the anchors don’t work.
If I use absolute paths for the links rather than just the anchors the page always reloads on the front page instead of just scrolling.Second question: How can I style the color of the hamburger menu. By default I have a dark background for the main menu and a black hamburger icon doesn’t help. I have tried several css overrides but they all don’t work.
General feedback: This forum could be very helpful if there wouldn’t be so many answers marked private but which contain helpful information. Looking for a solution there are quite some questions which indicate what I am looking for but with the answer marked as private there is little use.
Thanks for any help regarding the matter.
The URL is: https://www.braverabbit.com/shapesv2Ingo
Specular doesn’t have this solution for the moment. So you can’t different menu for different pages. We are working on a new update to add this features and a lot more.
The hamburger menu will become white if you change the header color to light.
Edit the page home page go to Page General Settings > Page Options & Styles > Header Color Style > Light
You can also edit it manually by editing the line css/bootstrap-responsive.css file:
@media (max-width: 979px) .background--dark nav .menu > li > a, .background--dark header#header .header_tools .vert_mid > a, .background--dark header#header .header_tools .vert_mid .cart .cart_icon, .background--dark .slicknav_btn:after, .background--dark .mobile_small_menu { color: #222 !important; }
replace with:
@media (max-width: 979px) .background--dark nav .menu > li > a, .background--dark header#header .header_tools .vert_mid > a, .background--dark header#header .header_tools .vert_mid .cart .cart_icon, .background--dark .slicknav_btn:after, .background--dark .mobile_small_menu { color: #222; }
Yes we will take in consideration this but sometimes the users share private credentials and private links that don’t want to be public.
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