Hi, my client brought to my attention a few things on the site when viewed on an ipad. Can you advise? On the Why you need a Lobbyist page, the word Lobbyist is cut off on the header. I have screen shots but no way to send them to you. Also, when the device is held horizontal, can the main nav menu be up top like when viewed on a desktop? Right now it is down in the page elements instead of up beside the logo.
thank you!
Thanks for the logins it really saved mine and yours time :) well, have a check now and let me know if your fonts [menu fonts] are fine now ?
Can you please share screenshots or proper details as I am unable to understand the issue properly. As I can’t find that cutting word.
I would be happy to, how do I share a screen shot with you? I don’t see an option to attach a file here.
You can simply use any screenshot Google chrome extension and take screenshot and share that link with me, I hope that will help you.
Thanks for the details, I’ll be checking those for you.
Thanks again
Hi, were you able to address the reason the words are cut off on the header of my page – Why you need a lobbyist?- on ipad?
I have tried to check in chrome developer tools but it looks fine there. Can you please check again and let me know ?
it’s still cut off on ipad – i think the title is just too long. thank you for checking on it.. I will talk with my client and we can shorten the navigation name.
Thanks for the clarification but the point is at mine end I am still unable to see that cut off part. Because if I can see that I will surely be fixing that for you.
Thanks again
Thank you very much for the detail, well I have set the font size to some smaller number on ipad screen sizes.
Kindly have a check and let me know how it goes now ?
Thanks again for being polite :)
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