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Hello i recently update my website and my social icons from header are little off the position… also they cannot be deleted… Please check this out and let me know. Thank you so much
I don’t know what have caused that . Anyway you can fix by adding this line of code into Customizer > General > Custom Css :
.cl_socialicondiv {margin-top:0px !important};
We will check on the next updates.
This css affects the socials in every page, not just home page. Did you try adding it? Can i see a link of the site?
Best regards!
Hello yes i added it and its not affected every page. Please check this:
Where have you added this custom css code ?
Can you add the css line into style.css file and check it again.
Let us know if you this issue persist or correct your wp creds so we can do it for you.
Please can you check it now seems it is ok. It was only a cache problem before.
Let us know.
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