Hi, I have imported the business demo (I had to desactivate visual composer otherwise it did not work, the import thing), I got all the pages, but Home1 and Home2 just give me error message:
<b>Fatal error</b>: Method name must be a string in <b>D:\xampp\htdocs\oglandscapes\wp-content\themes\specular\includes\core\codeless_slideshow.php</b> on line <b>56</b>
Can you please advise how to make it work?
The other pages work but seem to have two menus one on top of another, I haven’t got a chance to look into that yet but maybe you know why this happens.
Thank you
OK, in case anyone was curious, I have installed everything from the beginning, now using the installable version from the download site, and the demo with dummy data seems to work fine.
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