Hi, I am trying to load one of the starter sites into my new WordPress with Specular installed.
The starter sites is showing a white page, and in the Specular Import/Export dummy data It shows no option to select.
Screenshot of starter sites screen – https://simonjamesfraser-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/me_simonf_co_uk/EdW__1eAWHNIlCxr-uQo5wsBIVDEipfM4WgsCZ0VIb5xDQ?e=CWmNiD
Screenshot of Import/Export screen – https://simonjamesfraser-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/me_simonf_co_uk/EaKS9OTVWAVCjGmr7tyONeYBSkA6tEvS5zwOS8tmGRN5GA?e=aNHo6P
Please provide us with your website URL, wp-admin access, and FTP information (username and password)?
Kindly send this information using the “Set as private reply” option to ensure the security and privacy of your data.Thanks,
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