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1) I added a video to the slider and I am trying to push the title a bit further down, because it is placed in front of a face. How do I do that? I have been trying to do that via the Layout position box, but haven’t got a result.
2) I also don’t want a loop or reloading on the video. It should just stop when it is finished, and just showing the last scene.
Please help, thx!
1-I added this code into your Custom Css box in General Options:
.codeless_slider .swiper-slide .content.vertical_centered {
top: 60% !important;
Edit the value to your wish.
2-To stop the video from looping indefinitely, in file includes/codeless_slider/codeless_slider.php i edited this line:
$video_markup .= '<video webkit-playsinline="true" playsinline="true" class="'.$extra_mobile_cl.'" id="video_background" preload="auto" autoplay loop="loop" muted="muted" controls="controls" volume="0"> ';
To this:
$video_markup .= '<video webkit-playsinline="true" playsinline="true" class="'.$extra_mobile_cl.'" id="video_background" preload="auto" autoplay muted="muted" controls="controls" volume="0"> ';
It was removed loop="loop"
Let us know.
Best regards!
Great, thx!
How do I get a second slider to appear after it?
Create a slide and assign it to the current slider. The order will be like this: the last added will show up first.
Best regards!
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