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I am trying to get the footer to display only as a one column in all the media types. but for @media (max-width: 720px), it has a negative margin with !important on the bootstrap responsive css stylesheet so my footer is pushed all the way to my left in mobile devices.
line 1287 footer#footer .inner .row-fluid.ff .span12:first-child:last-child{margin-left:-210px !important; }
I tried overwriting it on the css of the theme settings, but it does not work. Is there any way to fix this.
here is the link to my site
Go to file bootstrap-responsive.css find that line and remove the ‘!important’. Now the class will take the property given in custom css box.
Best regards!
I thought about that…but wouldn’t that change be affected if there are any future updates to the theme?
It it would if you replace theme files. But there are customizationes that require file edits, so we recommend you to save a copy of this file and replace back when there is a theme update. Or remake the edits to the new file.
When getting a theme update, we provide the change log too. So you can choose to overwrite only the changed files instead of making a full replacement.
Best regards!
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