Is there a way to change the width of the footer widget and make parts of the text a link and other parts bolded like I currently have in my copyright area?
Increase the widget width using custom css. As for the text as link and bold, you can edit text using html tags directly at the text widget field (screenshot).
Best regards!
Is there a simpler way to do what I am trying to accomplish maybe with a different widget? If not, where do i go to change the width?
The widgets do not change the containers width. Example, if you are adding widget to the Top Left Navigation, No matter what widget do you use, it will not increase the left side more than 50% of the entire top navigation area.
Using Inspect element (press F12) find the css classes of the footer area you want to change and add the width attribute to assign a new value.
Add the code into your custom css box.Helpful link: https://www.w3schools.com/css/
Best regards!
Is this where I need to alter the width of the container? Also, is there where I can remove some of the space between the footer text and the copyright info?
<table style=”orphans: 2; widows: 2;”>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”><footer <span class=”html-attribute-name”>id</span>=”<span class=”html-attribute-value”>footer</span>” <span class=”html-attribute-name”>class</span>=””></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”><div <span class=”html-attribute-name”>class</span>=”<span class=”html-attribute-value”>inner</span>”></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”><div <span class=”html-attribute-name”>class</span>=”<span class=”html-attribute-value”>container</span>”></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”><div <span class=”html-attribute-name”>class</span>=”<span class=”html-attribute-value”>row-fluid ff</span>”></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-comment”><!– widget –></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”><div <span class=”html-attribute-name”>class</span>=”<span class=”html-attribute-value”>span12</span>”></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”><div <span class=”html-attribute-name”>id</span>=”<span class=”html-attribute-value”>text-8</span>” <span class=”html-attribute-name”>class</span>=”<span class=”html-attribute-value”>widget widget_text</span>”></span> <span class=”html-tag”><div <span class=”html-attribute-name”>class</span>=”<span class=”html-attribute-value”>textwidget</span>”></span>Want to talk? <span class=”html-tag”>href</span>=”https://www.lindemancollective.com/contact/“></span><span class=”html-tag”><b></span>Email<span class=”html-tag”></b></span><span class=”html-tag”></span> us or give us a call at <span class=”html-tag”><b></span>(316) 393-1076<span class=”html-tag”></b></span><span class=”html-tag”></div></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”></div></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”></div></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”></div></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”></div></span></td>
<td class=”line-number”></td>
<td class=”line-content”><span class=”html-tag”></div></span>If so, what do I need to alter and where do I put it?</td>
</table> -
The text pasted, is html. That’s not what you should edit for the styling. See screenshot: https://pho.to/Ab4NN
Find the css class and edit it by adding additional css code into your custom css box.Example, to reduce padding from footer text to copyright, this is the css to add:
footer#footer .inner .row-fluid.ff:first-child { padding-bottom: 1px !important; }
Screenshot: https://pho.to/Ab4OP
Best regards!
I’m completely lost on editing css and finding the class. I entered the code into additional css and it seemed to work. Is there a way to get the text in that widget on one line?
Please add this code into your custom css box:
footer#footer .inner .row-fluid.ff .span12:first-child:last-child { width: 429px !important; margin-left: -212px !important; }
Edit the values to your wish.
Best regards!
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