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Using the Handel Lawyer theme.
The hamburger toggle does not work upon first load. You can click the toggle button, and the css transition for the toggle fires successfully, however the menu stays hidden.
The testimonials are also not aligned correctly on mobile due to the inline padding applied: padding-right: 10%; padding-left: 25%; The left padding being larger pushes the testimonials to the right.
In addition to horizontal centering issues, the vertical centering of them is off as well. Navigation (if using arrows) is vertically centered based upon the largest testimonial inside the owl carousel. When using navigation dots, they are placed below the container which results in the navigation dots being pushed much farther down on shorter testimonials. Regardless, none of the testimonials are ever centered vertically relative to its container.
These issues can be found on your demo.
Hi, sorry for this inconvenience. Please send us credentials so we can fix asap at your website and then move on a new update!
This needs to be updated.
You do not need access to our site to fix issues that are present in your demo.
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