we use your Handle-Theme a long time without any problems but suddenly some days ago we have strange problems with the fonts.
Startpage is 100% showed okay with the right fonts used. All the other pages have some problems – on some pages the Menubar is changed and/or text content is shown in a wrong font. All things tried to customize the theme again will not have any effect at all. If you will edit the page with CodeLessEditor, the site will shown 100% correct but after publishing it, the site is again font-cribbled. Just check for yourself…Can you please help to fix this problem?
I will provide you with all needed data, just say what you need.Thanks in advance.
This topic was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
mdtm_mauro. Reason: additional info added
This topic was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by
Hi Sir,
many thanks for your work and fixing the font issues.
I checked everything and it works again like a charm.Thanks for the video-guide https://youtu.be/nmlXoZ7IBB0 to correct the problem. I saved it for further problems which will hopefully not appear.
My question: Will this happen again while I do an Update of the Kirki-Plugin? There is a new Version 5.1 out now which I didn’t installed so far. Can I do it safely?Did you find the Problem with the non clickable burgermenu on mobile devices? I found out that this problem appears on modern devices (i.e. Samsung S24 or Apple) and in the ChromeBrowser-App.
I could not verify this problem in a Browser on my Desktop with mobile view (Developer Tools) and not on my old mobile Device.
After rereshing the site on a mobile device, the menu ist clickable and useable.Many thanks in advance
Mauro -
Hello Sir,
I just want to ask about the status with this problem (the problem with the Burger-Menu). You mentioned that you forwarded the problem to your main-developer group…
There was no update since 3 months :-(
Thanks in advance.
Mauro -
thanks for your reply.
Will you inform me please, when its ready? So that I can install it.Mauro
Hi Sir,
I haven’t heard anything from you due to I waited for the “cooming soon Handel-Theme update”. Your last reply is over 1/2 year old an I run in certain issues with your theme an PHP 8.1 which my hoster set as default.
The badest thing is, that I cannot edit WPBakery-Elements anymore. I can add elements to my page but the properties will only open with a blank white page. So i can not edit text, images – rudeless every element.
I could use the “workaround” and edit the page with the CodelessBuilder so far but this workaround does also not work correct with all Elements e.g. ContactForm7 Forms or SliderRevolution Slides.I want to update my WordPress-Base and some Plugins but I must halt becaue then, nothing will work and my page will be blank.
Meanwhile my extended support is invalid :-(
So can you please tell me how to fix this problem or if there is an Handel-Theme update ready, where can I download it!?
For your information: I have fixed today a lot of PHP Deprecated Errors by myself debugging the site and now I am able to edit most of the WPBackery Elements again.
But not all works like a charme like “Divider”, “Service”, “CustomCode”, “RevolutionSlider” – there are always with a blank property-page.
Thats half the problems less but whats going on with the theme update you promised?Mauro
thanks for your reply. I See you have updated WPBakery Plugin. I appreciate it!
I have tested with the “Test”-Page and following Elements don’t work or are broken if I edit them (WP Debug Plugin deactivated):
Testimonials: Can’t choose a testimonial or testimonial group.
Service: No property page (blank)
EmptySpace: No property page (blank)
ListItem: No property page (blank)Test-Page saved with all the newly added elements and try to preview => no elements are shown, page is blank except of header (with wrong fonts) and menu is shown.
If i start a new blank page (Test2), WPBackery isn’t present at all and I can not add any element.
So the integration of the new WPBakery seems to work at first but after further investigations, it doesn’t work. So please check whats going wrong…
many thanks!
Mauro -
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