I want to customize the revolution slider of the construction and building demo. But there seems to be a problem in the demo: if you resize the page of demo the h1-heading isn’t resized.
You can have a look here: https://codeless.co/tower/business/construction-buildings/
Please add this code into your custom css box:
/*slider font size for mobile*/ @media (max-with: 480px){ .construct_div h1 {font-size:14px !important;} } /*slider font size for ipad portrait*/ @media (max-with: 979px){ .construct_div h1 {font-size:14px !important;} } /*slider font size for ipad landscape*/ @media (max-with: 1024px){ .construct_div h1 {font-size:14px !important;} }
Edit the values to your wish. Let us know.
Best regards!
Hi Mihaila,
I added those lines to my custome css box but it doesn’t solve the problem.
The strange thing: I tried to change the font-size generally in the console, but even with “!important” it had no impact..$(‘.construct_div h1’).css(‘font-size’,’14px !important’);
Changing the color works…
$(‘.construct_div h1’).css(‘color’,’red’);
Turns the heading to red.
It’s because the font size is set at slider settings and the style has ‘!important’ set which precedes the style you added.
Please try this:
@media (max-with: 480px){ div.construct_div h1 {font-size:14px !important;} }
If it still don’t work please write you site credentials in a private reply, we will fix it.
Best regards!
I edited style.css file. I removed an
from this block:.construct_div h1{ line-height:36px; font-size:32px !important; color:#fff; }
The fonts in revolution slider in mobile are smaller now. Please check your site.
Best regards!
Hi Mihaila,
thanks works now. Do I have to change this again after the next Theme Update?
Best regards
Sven -
We will make sure to remove it too in the next update, so you will not have to worry about it anymore.
Best regards!
Hi Mihaila,
in Version 1.7 the !important directive is still there.
Best regards
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