my site: hdheidelberg.de
Sorry to bother you with a woocommerce problem, which I feel might be partially caused by a design fault in Codeless but 99% by my user error.
While editing my page in Codeless and testing the shopping cart, I seem to have changed the [woocommerce_cart] because the page //cart now has hardcoded values for product, quantity and price which of course causes major issues (whover visits my page and shops gets to view my “test cart” instead of their own when they click the cart wiget)
I assume that I just have to copy and paste the //cart page from a sound installation.
I do not have a sound installation, nor do I know how to get the information without reinstalling the whole wordpress and all again.
Could you please send me the code that I should use to replace the current code in my //cart page?
PS. I realized this when I was writing a more extensive ticket on the problems I have with the cart. In short, my page basically has two carts: //cart and //warenkorb (thats German for cart). Also, the layout of //cart looks terribe while //warenkorb looks good (checkout and continue shopping buttons don’t show text, and the values of sums are outside the frame)
Kind Regards
I fixed it by deleting the text (code) in //cart and replacing the static code with [woocommerce_cart]
I found the solution by going into an online admin demo site and looking at the //cart page there.
Simple, yet effective. Kind of hard to guess for a newbee like me.
Kind Regards
I guess my next ticket could be “how do I close a ticket” :D
Kind Regards
That’s great to know you already solved your issue. I will mark this topic as resolved. Just open new ticket whenever you have any other question.
Best regards!
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