I have added widgetized area to the top of my header on my development site here:
However, this area disappears in the mobile view. Is there code I can change so that this bar will continue to appear in mobile view?
My client wants phone numbers and a call to action at the top of the page. This is the only place I can put these items.
Please let me know. Thanks!
By theme’s default responsive layout the top navigation area is not shown in mobile. To make it appear again, please add this code into your custom css box:
@media (max-width: 480px){ .top_nav { display: block;} .top_nav .container { width: 345px !important; margin-left: -55px !important; } }
Let us know.
Best regards!
Sorry, that didn’t work. I added the code to the Custom CSS section in the Tower theme (am using a child theme.) The bar still disappears.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help!
Forgot to ask: Can you please tell me how you fixed this? What code you added, and where you put it?
I am using this theme on five websites for this company and would like to keep this top bar on all of them.
The custom css is added only into the Custom Css Box in General Options. All code you need is there. I only edited it out a bit. Just copy-paste it for you other sites.
Best regards!
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