<pre id=”tw-target-text” class=”tw-data-text vk_txt tw-ta tw-text-small” dir=”ltr” style=”unicode-bidi: -webkit-isolate; font-family: inherit; border: none; padding: 0px 0.14em 0px 0px; position: relative; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; resize: none; overflow: hidden; width: 237.5px; white-space: pre-wrap; word-wrap: break-word; color: #212121; height: 72px; font-size: 16px !important; line-height: 24px !important;” data-placeholder=”Traducción” data-fulltext=””><span lang=”en”>menu , the menu navigation bar only shows me 2 pages, and need to be 5</span>
Please make sure you have added those pages into your menu. Send us your wp credentials in a private reply. So we can give a closer look.
Best regards!
For some reasons, some hosts do not save the default menu. Your host too does not save the main meu when assigned from Appearances > Menus. In this case, you have to manually add it. That is why i edited file header.php.
I replaced this line:
$args = array("theme_location" => "main", "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu');
With this:
$args = array("theme_location" => "main", "container" => false, "fallback_cb" => 'codeless_default_menu', "menu"=> "Menu 1");
It is set now in destop mode, but for the responsive mode you should make this edit in file includes/view/menu-small.php
Find this line:if($cl_redata['header_style'] != 'header_11'): $args = array("theme_location" => "main", "menu_id" => 'mobile-menu', "container" => false, 'walker' => new custom_walker_menu_small()); wp_nav_menu($args); else: $args = array("theme_location" => "left", "menu_id" => 'mobile-menu', "container" => false, 'walker' => new custom_walker_menu_small()); wp_nav_menu($args); $args = array("theme_location" => "right", "menu_id" => 'mobile-menu', "container" => false, 'walker' => new custom_walker_menu_small()); wp_nav_menu($args); endif;
replace with this:
if($cl_redata['header_style'] != 'header_11'): $args = array("theme_location" => "main", "menu_id" => 'mobile-menu', "container" => false, 'walker' => new custom_walker_menu_small(), "menu"=> "Menu 1"); wp_nav_menu($args); else: $args = array("theme_location" => "left", "menu_id" => 'mobile-menu', "container" => false, 'walker' => new custom_walker_menu_small(), "menu"=> "Menu 1"); wp_nav_menu($args); $args = array("theme_location" => "right", "menu_id" => 'mobile-menu', "container" => false, 'walker' => new custom_walker_menu_small(), "menu"=> "Menu 1"); wp_nav_menu($args); endif;
Note: “Menu 1” is the name of the menu you have created. In case you want to use another menu, just replace “Menu 1” with the name of you new menu.
Best regards!
Did you edit the file includes/view/menu-small.php, as suggested in the above reply? That is responsible for the responsive mode.
Best regards!
Thanks Mihaila very good customer service congratulations
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