The responsive layout is not working on phones?
I have copied a custom css that was on your forums for phones and ipad and the ipad has worked correctly but not the phones.
Can you help please as this is a major issue.
<div id=”drum-screenshare-extension” style=”display: none;”></div> -
First, go to Customizing ▸ General ▸ Site Options ▸ Responsive Layout. Make sure it’s set ON. It is, then add some wp credentials so I can check.
Best regards!
It requires an additional 2FA Code. Can you post that too?
I can’t find the related code for the responsive recognition from the console. I can’t see the header.php file from your Appearance > Theme Editor, so you need to go to wp-content/themes/folie/header.php file and check for this piece of code:
<?php if( codeless_get_mod( 'responsive_layout', true ) ): ?> <!-- Responsive --> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <?php endif; ?>
Should be right after the favicon. See screenshot: https://ibb.co/WPMSpsB
Add it and try again. Make sure to clear the cache first.Best regards!
I can’t do it from wordpress as not all files are being shown. So you need to add some ftp credentials for us to be able to access the files in the server.
If you don’t have one, then just contact your host and ask them.Best regards!
Are these the cpanel credentials? Or a normal ftp? I need the specific url to login.
Best regards!
The entire header.php file was missing. I uploaded it again in theme’s core files. (screenshot)
*Please do not remove any of the core theme files or the site will not function properly. Also, we do not take responsibility if major changes are done to these files from another party.
You can check the site now. It is responsive.
Best regards!
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