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I’m not able to hide rows on specific breakpoints with the Codeless builder. When selecting a row, I view the Responsive tab in the builder sidebar, then check-off “Hide on [breakpoint]. After selecting a different element, saving, or publishing, that breakpoint is no longer checked and the row is still visible at the specified breakpoint.
I’ve also continued to face issues with the builder plugin breaking every 24 hours, even without updating. I continue to delete and reinstall the Kirki and Codeless Page Builder plugins to fix. Are these bugs related to the older version of the plugin?
I’ve implemented a workaround using the “Extra Class” field, adding “hidden-xs”, “hidden-sm”, “hidden-md”, or “hidden-lg” as needed. The checkboxes within the Responsive tab do not work.
It sounds well that you’ve found the solution.
– Responsive tabs don’t work.
We’ve noticed the fact and sent an email to the concerned department. For the time being, you can also use the WP-Bakery(Backend Editor) row setting options to hide the specific row on specific breakpoints.
– Kirki Plugins keeps updating every 24 hours
It might be due to the WordFence plugin that’s might update the plugin once it detects the plugin requires an update.
However, I’ve customized the Kirki version to the latest so it won’t be affected by the Wordfence.
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