I have install the theme successfully but i have some issues.
First the logo its not appearance like is missing.
Second when the site load the animation for loading the menu its on top of the loader. https://prnt.sc/m2e8f7afz7_K
Third the scroll or drag its scrolling with the site and not stick like you theme on preview on themeforest.
Fourth i have the dot for mouse and when click and scoll the dot its freezing. Its not flow with the site.
At the end of the site contact page the image its not appearance .
https://prnt.sc/CmQtLWB0m4vYAnd for some reasson have a liitle bit of scroll down and the logo its half
And some fonts its not like you theme in themeforest.Thanks
i clear the cache from kirki but its worst
and the the menu is outside from loader -
Do you check the font?
Also the image on the end its not right
and the image on the about section is something wrongThanks
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