You claim Visual Composer is integrated, but I don’t see it in the plugin section, and when I want to change a page in the ‘visual’ modethis is what I see:
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Finance Services
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<p style=”margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;”>At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos</p>
<p style=”margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;”>ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium.</p>
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Yes, Visual Composer is included in the package. Please go to your main zip file that you downloaded first from Envato. Unzip it and inside there should be these folders:
The visual composer zip file is inside the “extra_plugins” folder. The included sliders (Revolution and Layerslider) are there as well.
To install the plugin, go to Plugins > Add New, and upload the zip file. After installation is successful, activate from Plugins menu as well.-The shortcodes you see need Codeless Builder plugin to be installed and activated. Then two buttons will be added to the page that allow you to go to the option panel and customize the elements using the drag-and-drop method.
Please watch this video tutorial for a visible guidance on this: https://youtu.be/JW3DvWEsm3MLet us know if you need further help.
Kind regards!
Hi, thanks for the answer. I installed VC now, but your theme doesn’t work well with it. All your code is just placed inside one row/column. Is there a way to get my money back, because this is taking way too much time, and support is not really fast.
Theme main builder is Codeless Builder. We always recommend it as the theme itself is build with it. It has no issues! It has been tested multiple times from our team and the Envato team before launch.
We can help you create a useful and beautiful website.
If you want to save time, you can import one of the many pre-created demos. Ask us for every thing you need help with.
But please take time to watch the video tutorials and read the documentation so you can get to know the builder better and work well with it.Please read our support policy to understand the time-frame of replies.
Sorry but according to the Envato Refund policy, you do not have a valid reason so it’s not possible to get the refund.
Let us know how can we help you.Best regards!
Hi Mihaila,
I filed for a refund through Envato .
I’m sure that if I put in the time I can build something with your template, but my whole choice was based on the fact that I don’t have that time.
I bought your template because you claimed it came integrated with VC, because that would mean I don’t need to learn a new builder. I know you can install VC on every WP instance (of course, it’s a plugin!), but you claim it is integrated. You even throw it in as USP; integrated with premium plugins (save $81). That is what you call deception, because there is zero integration. You just make it available as a plugin (which you need to install manually, because you have not integrated it).
If that’s not a valid reason to get a refund I do not know what is. I trust you will honor my request.
Kind regards
You can use the plugin and create your site from scratch with it. But you can’t edit the actual demo content with visual composer, it’s built with Codeless Builder, and can be edited only with it.
Give a Codeless Builder a try, it’s very easy to use.
Sorry, we can’t give you refund for this.
Best regards!
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