Errors generated by WC when products are added to cart (ex. out of stock / less stock available than requested) aren’t displayed, the cart add simply fails.
An example of this type of message: “You cannot add that amount of “Product name” to the cart because there is not enough stock (4 remaining).”
Demonstrated here:
https://clone.cravingvapor.com/shop/starre-dvc-coil/On the main site, the page gets reloaded when the 0.5 ohm version of this product is added, with the error message above. On the clone site with June the add to cart simply fails with no notices. I’ve looked through the code of both themes but I don’t see where this message gets added.
We will have a look on this and update with appropriate error messages.
This feature still hasn’t been added?? Updated to the latest 1.4 from ThemeForest and it’s still unresolved?
Please fix ASAP!
Hey, I got an email notification about this thread but the post seems to be gone.
As i see, when i try to add a product that is not in stock, the add to cart button is not clickable. When clicked it shows an error message.
Can you please help me to understand well where is the issue?
I’ve gone ahead and taken a screen recording demonstrating the missing functionality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yib0IdAymc4
Yes, I have removed the comment because i have understand the issue.
I will update as soon as possible on new update.Thank you
This still hasn’t been addressed, can I get some kind of ETA for an update to resolve this issue? It’s a show stopper issue for us, I can’t use June in it’s current state.
I have already notified the developer regarding this and we are working on the newest theme update that will fix this feature as well.
Best regards!
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