I just purchased the specular theme and installed a fresh wordpress install, installed theme and plugins (the plugins required differs to the installation documentation:
Documentation states the following: LayerSlider WP, MailChimp List Subscribe Form, Revolution Slider, User Avatar, WPBakery VIsual Composer and WP Retina 2x
I was only given option of Codeless Framework, codeless starter sites, redux framework and Envato market.
Theme has been activated.
Then I tried to load the demo for which I purchased this theme, but there was no demo data available in the Import/Export(Dummy data) section, similarly as some other users stated on another ticket https://prnt.sc/10titw6.
Ticket link: https://support.codeless.co/?topic=specular-missing-demo-content#post-87758. -
Please provide us with your website URL, wp-admin access, and FTP information (username and password)?
Kindly send this information using the “Set as private reply” option to ensure the security and privacy of your data.also share which demo you want to have it?
Thanks, -
We cannot directly add icons to this section, but I have created a test element on the home page for your guidance. If you like it, we can implement it. Kindly share your feedback.
Thanks -
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